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Dental Implants

Dental Implants Treatment Pakenham

The advances in implant technology over the years has been huge. Implants today are becoming more and more predictable with less need for invasive surgery that commonly occurred in the past. Also, the aesthetic results of implants are amazing so much so, that sometimes you can’t even pick which is a real tooth and which is the implant.

Guided implant placement technology is what we use here at Renew Dental Care which is the latest in implant care. This allows pre-visualisation of the result so that any nasty surprises is anticipated well beforehand and accounted for or avoided completely.

This is where 3D x-ray, scanning and printing technology comes in. By having a virtual representation of you, the patient, we are able to virtually perform the implant placement before actually performing the procedure on you. This ensures the highest chance of success. Dentistry has changed. Come and check us out.

Dental Implants Pakenham

To book your appointment, contact our friendly staff today!